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Haslemere, with a modest population of about 15,000, is extremely fortunate to possess such a building as Haslemere Hall. It is a fully equipped theatre seating approximately 340 in a main Auditorium with upper Balcony. The large stage has facilities for flying scenery and there is a modern computer controlled lighting and sound system. There are ample backstage dressing rooms, Green Room etc. As a multipurpose building it is also used for lectures, meetings etc. There are regular cinema showings of recent films, and there is a licensed bar.

The Hall receives no endowments or State Grants. Until recently its only source of income came from lettings to those who want to use the Hall and from individual “Friends of Haslemere Hall”. There is a small Annual Grant from the Local Authority but in recent years this been cut back. However, with the demise of the Rex cinema in Haslemere, the Trustees decided to introduce film shows in conjunction with Southern Cinema Services, on several days each month. All the latest releases are shown and the income from this activity has been of enormous help in ensuring the Hall’s continuing viability.

A building that is approaching 100 years of age is constantly requiring attention in the form of repairs and renewals. Improvements and modernisation work are undertaken as funds permit . To this end the “Friends of Haslemere Hall” has been set up to which all those who wish to contribute as subscribers , may do so. The Trustees are always mindful of their responsibility and obligation to maintain the Hall, and of their debt to Barclay Day who provided such a valuable amenity for the future generations of Haslemere citizens.

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